Xanny, il testo della canzone (cover) cantata da Casadilegno a X Factor 2020

Xanny, il testo della canzone (cover) cantata da Casadilegno a X Factor 2020
Qual è il testo di “Xanny” di Billie Eilish, la canzone (cover) cantata da Casadilegno nel corso della seconda puntata dei Live di X Factor 2020? Di seguito il testo intonato dalla giovane artista delle Under donne stasera, 5 novembre 2020:
What is it about them?
I must be missing something
They just keep doin’ nothing
Too intoxicated to be scared
Better off without them
They’re nothing but unstable
Bring ashtrays to the table
And that’s about the only thing they share
I’m in their secondhand smoke
Still just drinking canned Coke
I don’t need a Xanny to feel better
On designated drives home
Only one who’s not stoned
Don’t give me a Xanny, now or ever
Wakin’ up at sundown
They’re late to every party
Nobody’s ever sorry
Too inebriated now to dance
Morning as they comedown (comedown)
Their pretty heads are hurting (hurting)
They’re awfully bad at learning (learning)
Make the same mistakes, blame circumstance
I’m in their secondhand smoke
Still just drinking canned Coke
I don’t need a Xanny to feel better
On designated drives home
Only one who’s not stoned
Don’t give me a Xanny, now or ever
Please don’t try to kiss me on the sidewalk
On your cigarette break
I can’t afford to love someone
Who isn’t dyin’ by mistake in Silver Lake
What is it about them?
I must be missing something
They just keep doin’ nothing
Too intoxicated to be scared
Hm, hm
Hm, hm
Hm, mm
Comedown, hurting
Come si vota
Vi è piaciuta l’esibizione di Casadilegno con Xanny? Ecco come si vota per i concorrenti di X Factor 2020. Il voto durante i Live sarà disponibile tramite i seguenti canali in modo totalmente gratuito:
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