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In India una donna vale meno di una mucca?

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Un fotografo 23enne di Calcutta ritrae i suoi soggetti con indosso una maschera di mucca per denunciare la condizione giuridica delle donne nel paese

Nel suo nuovo progetto fotografico, Sujatro Ghosh, 23enne di Calcutta, ritrae alcune donne mentre indossano una maschera raffigurante la testa di una mucca. Le immagini, pubblicate sul suo profilo Instagram, hanno ricevuto centinaia di commenti da parte degli utenti del social network.

I soggetti sono ritratti mentre indossano maschere di lattice e svolgono attività quotidiane, come prendere il treno, suonare il pianoforte, parlare al telefono.

L’iniziativa è una protesta personale dell’artista, che vuole denunciare la situazione delle donne nel suo paese. Anche la scelta degli sfondi degli scatti è ha un significato preciso. L’India Gate – uno dei luoghi turistici per eccellenza del paese –, il palazzo presidenziale, una barca che attraversa il fiume Hooghly a Calcutta: sono tutti luoghi dal forte valore simbolico.

L’idea è nata durante una visita a New York agli inizi di giugno, quando il ragazzo ha deciso di comprare le maschere in un negozio.

“Ho fotografato donne provenienti da parti differenti della società”, ha detto Ghosh alla Bbc. “Ho avviato il progetto nella capitale Nuova Delhi, perché è il fulcro di tutto: dalla politica alla religione è da qui che partono la maggior parte dei dibattiti”.

Ma qual è il significato di questa protesta?

“Sono turbato dal fatto che in India le mucche siano considerate più importanti delle donne, per cui i tempi di attesa della giustizia, nel caso di violenze sessuali e maltrattamenti, sono più lunghi di quelli per una violenza contro una mucca, considerata sacra dalla maggioranza degli Induisti”, ha spiegato il giovane fotografo.

Ghosh ha ammesso di aver scoperto questo mix pericoloso tra religione e politica solamente nel momento in cui si è trasferito nella capitale.

In India gli episodi di violenza contro le donne sono all’ordine del giorno. Ogni 15 minuti viene denunciato uno stupro. “Questi casi vengono trascinati in aula per anni, mentre non appena avviene il massacro di una mucca, i gruppi estremisti induisti, si attivano per uccidere o punire chiunque sia sospettato di aver compiuto un tale atto”, ha accusato Ghosh.

Il Bharatiya Janata Party – il maggior partito conservatore dell’India – continua a ritenere sacri questi animali, sostenendo la loro protezione. L’uccisione delle vacche è vietata in diversi paesi indiani, dove sono previste forti condanne. Inoltre il parlamento sta considerando la possibilità di introdurre la pena di morte per questi crimini.

La carne bovina, tuttavia, è un elemento essenziale nell’alimentazione di molti credi religiosi, come i mussulmani, i cattolici e i Dalits (membri delle caste più basse), che spesso sono vittime a loro volta delle violenze perpetrate dai gruppi estremisti.

Ecco alcune foto del progetto, pubblicate sul profilo Instagram @sujatroghosh:

Holy Animal meets the Holy River Calcutta’17 It’s been a rollercoaster ride with this project of mine and it’s been appreciated in almost all the platforms in the country. Thank you so much for everything the cow will keep travelling 🎭 If you’re interested in it – @catch.news http://www.catchnews.com/national-news/cows-over-women-a-unique-photo-series-protesting-india-s-misplaced-priorities-66021.html @times_of_india https://www.facebook.com/TimesofIndia/posts/10155503200257139 @timesnow http://www.timesnow.tv/the-buzz/article/whats-trending-in-town-gai-mask-the-new-moral-safety-helmet/63420 @wionews https://www.facebook.com/WIONews/videos/671912879686017/ Read the whole story here : http://www.wionews.com/life-fun/if-the-cow-is-our-mother-then-so-is-a-woman-16903 InUth http://www.inuth.com/trends/social-virals/this-photo-series-has-women-in-cow-masks-since-cows-are-greater-than-women/ Ebela https://ebela.in/national/kolkata-guy-protested-against-misplaced-priorities-of-india-using-a-photo-series-dgtl-1.630782?ref=national-ft-stry%3Futm_source%3Dfacebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fb_mab The Quint https://www.thequint.com/india/2017/06/20/sujatro-ghosh-photo-series-cows-masks-women-safety @indiatimesinsta http://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/23-yo-artist-uses-a-cow-mask-to-point-out-the-flaws-in-our-society-this-is-why-it-s-brilliant-324167.html The Indian Express (Web) http://indianexpress.com/photos/lifestyle-gallery/photographer-sujatro-ghosh-images-of-women-wearing-cow-mask-protests-indias-misplaced-priorities-4714059/ @buzzfeedindia https://www.buzzfeed.com/soniathomas/women-wore-cow-masks-to-question-if-cows-are-safer-than?bffbindia&utm_term=4ldqpgp#4ldqpgp @allindiabakchod https://www.facebook.com/IndiaBakchod/posts/1492152207495435:0 Indian Express (Print) http://epaper.indianexpress.com/m/1254019/Indian-Express/June-22,-2017#issue/25/1 and many more 🚣🏼‍♀️🎗🏆 I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. #RisingBeyondJingoism #misplacedpriorities #cow #protest #women

Un post condiviso da Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) in data:

My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman’s life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending “Whether to consume or worship it” but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. This is silent form of protest which starts from India Gate, one of the most visited sights in India. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. #RisingBeyondJingoism #WHPstandout #indiagate #cow #women #protest #womenpower #weekend #indiarising #workingwomen #live #animals #love #laugh #bluesky #standup #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

Un post condiviso da Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) in data:

My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman’s life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending “Whether to consume or worship it” but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. #RisingBeyondJingoism #misplacedpriorities #reflection #cow #women #protest #womenpower #smoke #indiarising #mirror #live #animals #love #laugh #art #bedroom #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

Un post condiviso da Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) in data:

Pianist Calcutta’17 It’s been a rollercoaster ride with this project of mine and it’s been appreciated in almost all the platforms in the country. Thank you so much for everything the cow will keep travelling 🎭 If you’re interested in it, it’s on out on @thetimes on Saturday. Read here – http://bit.ly/2rMwlNl?cc=1dfe314dc3fc79fe958b905b28e5df16 TYT Video too – https://www.youtube.com/embed/iwL05-MKqQA and many other national and international publications 🚣🏼‍♀️🎗🏆 I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. I asked the woman whom I photographed “How do you feel safe when you wear the mask?” Aanya said : “When I came across Sujatro’s first post, I was intrigued. It is such a different concept and I fell inlove with it immediately. I feel that this is a fun and effective way to bring to light the whole ‘cows being safer than women’ issue and I agree with it completely.” #RisingBeyondJingoism #musician #piano #artist #home #art #altenativeart #silent #misplacedpriorities #bengal #calcutta #kolkata_igers #cow #protest #women

Un post condiviso da Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) in data:

My art comes as a form of protest. In my country Cows are more important than a woman’s life with more security. (Reference: Majority of Hindus believe cow as their holy animal and they worship it though Majority of Muslims consume it as a part of their daily meal.) The debate is never ending “Whether to consume or worship it” but gaining political benefits out of it is wrong. Why not let the people decide what they want to consume. I will be photographing women from different parts of the society. I would be more than happy if you reach out to me and want to get photographed or maybe join this form of protest. #RisingBeyondJingoism #maternal #cow #women #protest #womenpower #weekend #indiarising #workingwomen #live #animals @instagram #love #laugh #mortality #standup #everydayeverywhere #indiaphotoproject #everydayindia #womenphotographers #myfeatureshoot

Un post condiviso da Sujatro Ghosh (@sujatroghosh) in data:

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